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Corporate Social Investment

CSI Strategy

Thankful Thursdays

Flagship Projects

Thankful Thursday

CSI Strategy

Flagship Projects

Corporate Social Investment  

At Oceana, our actions are based on the philosophy that those of us who live above the breadline have a responsibility to improve the lives of those who live below the breadline. We are mindful of our social obligations as responsible corporate citizens of South Africa and remain focused on positively impacting the lives of all our stakeholders and communities not only in areas surrounding our operations but across the country. Focused support for communities through our corporate social investment (CSI) initiatives which is key to our commitment to positively impact lives.

In delivering our social investments we forge strong partnerships with:
  • Communities

  • NGO’s/NPO’s 

  • Public sector

Our commitments are guided by our strategy to positively impact lives and are aligned to the 2030 UN SDGs:
  • To provide support where most needed

  • To make social investments that can be sustained and scaled

Providing support where most needed
  • Crisis support and natural disasters

  • Assistance with educational needs 

  • Supporting feeding programs that ensure food security

Making sustainable and scale-able social investments
  • Through collaboration

  • Flagship projects

CSI Strategy

Partnerships for Good

Disaster Relief

Food Security

Flagship Projects

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday started as a way to internally showcase the amazing work of our company through its CSI function and employees across the group in contributing in some way to redress the needs of our imbalanced society.

Why Thankful? For us, positively impacting lives is an action, not a slogan, and we are grateful to be in a position to help communities in whichever way we can. This commitment to making a real difference has been our driving force. This soon became a tradition, with our employees looking out for updates and sharing with their networks. Fostering a sense of pride and driving engagement, Thankful Thursday is a testament to the collective dedication that fuels our mission of positive change.

We've handpicked these stories to share, and we're thankful to be able to continue acting on our values with our stakeholders, partners, community members, and everyone on this journey with us.

View the Ebook here

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